•One size fits all / Easily adjustable / Comfortable
•Effectively applies sufficient pressure without constricting the
urethra, penile arteries and the genitalia
•Blood circulation of the penis is not adversely affected
•Improves blood oxygenation to the penis
•Safely applies extra pressure as needed
•Ejaculation is not trapped
•Extended use time
•Does not slide during use
•Does not interfere with penetration during intercourse
•Therapeutic with immediate and long term erection improvement
•Conforms with FDA recommendations as a least constrictive device
Difficult to choose for size and pressure / Uncomfortable or even painful
Do not effectively apply sufficient pressure constricting the urethra, penile arteries and the genitalia
Blood circulation of the penis is adversely affected with limited applied pressure
Stop blood flow and deprive oxygenation to the penis
Ejaculation may be trapped by the constricting ring
Limited use time
Slide during use
Interfere with penetration during intercourse
Not therapeutic
FDA recommends a manual safety release mechanism
The penis needs to be fully filled under normal pressure and blood flow on a regular basis for corporeal tissue and blood vessel oxygenation, leading to good function and longevity. Upgrade to The Loverband therapeutic device and reach full and rigid erections safely and effectively during intercourse or as self-therapy for erection improvement.